Book Summary: The Success Principles – Jack Canfield

Book Review: The Success Principles

Anyone chasing a more successful, fulfilling or happier life will find advice and principles here to live by. Jack Canfield uses other successful people’s stories to model the sorts of behaviour we ought to be aiming for.

Book Summary Notes: The Success Principles

  • The first lesson is to remember that you are the one ultimately in charge of your own life. Your the one who cares the most about the outcomes you achieve, no one else.
  • Tiny improvements on our daily choices are where we need to start to build momentum. The simple choice of something like buying your lunch every day, maybe $10-$20 five times per week could be done for much less if you were willing to learn to make and bring your own food to work. Not only that but invest the difference and put your extra money into doing something productive as well. It’s a tiny example but could make massive changes over the course of a working life.

  • Change will always require hard work and discipline. It gets easier after awhile though, as habits and routine begin to kick in.
  • What does personal success look like to you? Have you taken the time to sit down and figure it out? Write out a vision for how you want your future to look and begin to break it down into smaller steps that are easier to accomplish.
  • Affirmations and visualisation of your goals are also very powerful strategies for helping you stay on track with your goals.

  • Excel at what you do and don’t take no for an answer.
  • Do you have unfinished projects or activities your involved with? You have four options moving forward; do it, delegate it, delay or dump it.
  • We all undercut our own work with self criticism, become your own advocate and believe in yourself. 
  • Surround yourself with people who support you and your goals or even with those that have done what you want to before you.