Book Summary: The Automatic Millionaire – David Bach
How do you turn an average income into greater than average wealth? What steps does it take and how can you get started? All explored in The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach.
How do you turn an average income into greater than average wealth? What steps does it take and how can you get started? All explored in The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach.
Can small changes in the way we think and act significantly affect our goals and aspirations? Behavioural science says yes and Think Small looks at just how to start making those small changes.
Can you condense your financial plan to an index card? If your finances aren’t simple, you greatly increase the chances of failure. Keep it simple and learn how to build and maintain a simple investing strategy with The Index Card by Helaine Olen.
The Little Book of common sense investing examines the differences between investing in actively managed funds and passively managed funds. It examines why you should care and the impact that fees and taxes have on your money over the long term.
There are many questions out there about the keto diet and the high fat low carb lifestyle. There is a ton of misinformation and scare tactics being used in regards to this way of eating, this book looks to cut through some of that noise and provide some real answers.
How do brands create trust, especially in a time where distrust is so prevalent? The Post Truth Business looks into best practices and how to create meaningful experiences that will keep your customers satisfied.
What stops us from forming deeper connections with those we love? How do you practice sharing love on a daily basis? Sharon Salzberg discusses habits and advice we can use to strengthen relationships with the people we interact with on a daily basis.
Rory Vaden’s book Procrastinate On Purpose examines the 5 ways we can make better use of our time as well as presenting useful advice on how best to incorporate the strategies into our daily lives.
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles examines techniques and strategies for obtaining what you want and keeping yourself focused with an abundance mindset.
What does it take to master skills incredibly quickly? How could you use these skills to further both your personal and professional life? Scott Young’s Ultralearning takes a look at how some of the worlds best learners have done it.