Book Summary: Real Love – Sharon Salzberg

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Book Summary: Real Love

What stops us from forming deeper connections with those we love? How do you practice sharing love on a daily basis? Sharon Salzberg discusses habits and advice we can use to strengthen relationships with the people we interact with on a daily basis.

Book Summary Notes: Real Love

  • Love is something that can be weaves into every aspect of our lives.
  • Narratives that we tell ourselves about our situations can be very damaging to how we view and interact with the world around us. If something terrible happens to us, it’s not because we deserved it or if a relationship breaks down it’s not because we are fundamentally unlovable. Telling ourselves these stories can lead to negative outlooks on situations that can often cause what we negatively believe to come true.
  • Being happy in the long term often involves dealing with difficult emotions. Powerful emotions can have the effect of isolating us, or at least give us the feeling of being isolated by these strong emotions. These days there seems to be stigmas attached to taking the time needed to process these strong emotions, but taking the time and processing these emotions is healthy and needed.
  • Often times in relationships, if we don’t communicate how we are feeling our partner is left to fill it in themselves. This can lead to hurt feelings and damaged relationships. Avoid this by learning to practice kindness, for both yourself and your partner. 
  • Everyone experiences the pain of jealousy. Instead of succumbing to jealousy we should learn and practice being happy for others as well.