Book Summary: Keto Answers – Anthony Gustin

Book Summary: Keto Answers 

There are many questions out there about the keto diet and the high fat low carb lifestyle. There is a ton of misinformation and scare tactics being used in regards to this way of eating, this book looks to cut through some of that noise and provide some real answers.

Book Summary Notes: Keto Answers 

  • Increased energy, brainpower and a leaner body are all possible effects of living a keto or high fat, low carb lifestyle.
  • The keto diet takes its name from the process of ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body becomes primed to use fat for energy instead of sugar.
  • As sugar becomes depleted in the body and minimal new carbohydrates are being introduced, the body begins to create an alternative fuel source called ketones.
  • Some of the most beneficial aspects of following the Keto diet are cumulative, that is to say that the longer you can maintain eating this way the greater the benefits become.
  • One of the many things Keto can help combat is insulin resistance.
  • Keto can even help to boost mood and promote more healthy gut microbiome.
  • The biggest element to following a successful keto diet is counting and tracking your carb intake. One of the easiest ways to do this is with macro tracking apps on your smartphone like MyFitnessPal.
  • You need to make sure that your diet has a variety of elements in it, for example changing the type of protein your consuming frequently. Don’t stick to just one source such as beef, make sure to include chicken, fish, organ meats and other sources as well.
  • Vegetables are usually fairly restricted, but a few safe rules include: eating green leafy vegetables as well as anything that grows above ground. Be sure to keep track of these elements with your macro tracking app though!
  • Most processed foods, grains, rice, potatoes and pasta will simply not be worth it to eat as they contain such high levels of carbohydrates by weight.
  • Expect the first few weeks on a keto diet to be tough. Between the lowering of your carbohydrate stores, the restriction in foods you can now eat and just the general lifestyle changes will take time to normalise. Start simply and focus on a few meals and food items you know 100% fit your new way of eating and slowly branch from there.
  • People often find that the keto diet and lifestyle pair well with intermittent fasting. This is because one of the side effects of going low carb is that you will likely experience a fairly significant drop in hunger cravings. This naturally makes it far easier to take up fasting. A side effect of fasting is entering ketosis more easily so the two really do compliment each other perfectly.
  • Don’t consider becoming keto as a simple diet, you should consider making it a lifestyle to truly reap the rewards and benefits it has to offer.