Book Summary: Money – Rob Moore

Book Review: Money by Rob Moore

Do you make your money work for you, as much as you work for it? Learn how to put your money to work building financial independence and creating a rock solid financial plan.

Book Summary Notes: Money – Rob Moore

  • Attitude makes a huge difference when learning about finance. There are a few limiting beliefs people hold about money such as; it won’t make you happy, there’s just not enough out there for everyone and neither of them are true. 
  • Embrace a simple system to help you get what you want out of your finances. Set goals for what you want and break those into smaller actionable pieces. Make sure if becoming more wealthy is your priority that you prioritise actions and activities that push you further along that path.
  • Keep a measure of your key result areas. This could be keeping a graph of your wealth over time and making sure the trend line is going up. 
  • If you have the ability to influence your income by what you do each day then be sure to also spend the most time on the activities that generate the most revenue. Align your business and personal goals.
  • Make gaining a financial education a high priority as well, there are many more advanced areas of finance that can help you achieve your goals such as learning to invest in shares and property. 
  • Understand that real gains come from compounded returns. Those that usually take large amounts of time to accumulate. Start taking action towards this.