Book Summary: Chasing The Sun – Linda Geddes

Book Review: Chasing The Sun – Linda Geddes

The sun has a large influence over many aspects of our day to day lives. Learn more about how it went from being a symbol of worship to being one of the most important influences on our health and wellness.

Book Summary Notes: Chasing The Sun

  • Everyone has an internal clock governed mostly by the sun. Our circadian rhythm.
  • Ancient Greeks and romans used to prescribe sun exposure to help with certain issues. The romans even had ‘sun baths’ to help facilitate this. Sun exposure therapy continued to be important up until the introduction of antibiotics.
  • Even today sunlight exposure is still important as it serves as one of the primary methods of getting enough vitamin d each day. People who work outside instead of offices show much higher levels of this important vitamin. For the rest of us we need to work harder to get our dose each day.
  • Artificial light can affect our circadian rhythms by telling our body that it’s morning or the middle of the day when instead it’s actually evening and our bodies should be winding down for the day. This is an especially important facilitator of quality sleep and why eye masks and black our curtains can be so effective.