Book Summary: Hardcore Self Help – Robert Duff

Hardcore self help

Hardcore Self Help Book Summary:

Hardcore Self Help by Robert Duff primarily examines anxiety. It looks at its causes, manifestations and how we can learn to live a more peaceful life despite its presence.

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This negative self-talk is something you probably aren’t even aware of, but it eats away at you bit by bit and erodes that self-confidence you need to tackle your anxiety.

You need to set yourself up for success, too. You need to invest in yourself. You need to stop being a butthead and sabotaging yourself.

We are all plugged in and as much as we like to think that we use technology as a tool… sometimes it seems that we are the tools and technology is using us.

Hardcore Self Help Book Summary Notes:

  • Anxiety takes many shapes and can be different for different people.
  • Everyone will feel anxious at times in their lives. However, sometimes we can also experience the same affects at times when we shouldn’t or in disproportionate amounts to what would be considered normal. This is the root of anxiety disorders.
  • Anxiety can range from a simple phobia, say of spiders or snakes, for example, all the way through to full-blown PTSD like that experienced by soldiers in war. OCD is another example of an anxiety disorder that can cause issues for anyone suffering it.
  • A source of anxiety for some people is an issue called catastrophizing. This describes a situation where a thought of yours can spiral out of control in your mind, leading you to believe the worst possible outcome will happen and cause you to experience the anxiety that would go along with that worst-case scenario.
  • Slowing down and focusing on your breathing can be a great way to help yourself calm down and by focusing on your breathing you distract yourself from whatever it was that caused the anxiety.