Book Review: Do The Work
Accomplish the things you want, reduce procrastination and learn how to conquer your fears. Learn what resistance is and how you can fight against it.
Book Summary Notes: Do The Work
- Learn to fight the resistance we all experience when we try to do our best work. Bringing our creative energies out and putting them to work can sometimes be much harder than we think.
- Everyone has allies and enemies when it comes to being creative. It’s in your best interest to identify each of yours so you can use more of the allies and avoid the enemies. In this context certain music might be an ally, since maybe it helps you focus while maybe other kinds would be considered enemies of your creativity. What helps you and what hinders your creative processes?
- The main keys to help you achieve your goals are ambition and self awareness.
- The resistance to our best work can take many forms, something like getting bogged down in self doubt for example. Any activity that requires a lot of energy or time will draw resistance.
- To help you with your goals try to work within boundaries, avoid spending too much time and energy on just preparing and finally, don’t over think things.
- Always remember that action beats inaction. Don’t overthink things, simply get to work, start moving things and things will become more clear as you work.
- When resistance strikes remind yourself of the answers to two questions: how bad do you want this? And why do you want this?