Book Summary: 18 Minutes – Peter Bregman

Book Review: 18 Minutes by Peter Bregman

Reach your goals, deal with distraction and learn the best ways to get more things done by focusing on your most meaningful work. What is the best use of your time? How do you best stay on track to meet all your targets? Let’s find out.

Book Summary Notes: 18 Minutes By Peter Bregman

  • How do people stay focused best in todays attention economy?
  • Take a moment each morning to pause and analyse the day ahead. What’s on your todo list? Are there any events on you need to be mindful of, either now or coming up soon in the future? Take the moment each morning to really pause and look at your day.
  • Leverage strength, embrace weakness. 
  • What do you want to accomplish each day, week or year? Find a goal and begin to break it down and take steps towards completing it.
  • The best way to complete a goal is with a clear direction. Limiting your choices can be a powerful way to keep yourself on track. Fewer options make choices far easier, an easy way to implement this is to pick a small handful of activities to implement to help further your goals. If you want to write a book then writing 100 words per day would be a great start.
  • In today’s marketplace being unique and leaning into your quirks can be an advantage.
  • Learn to love the grind. It takes a long time to be considered great at something. Even merely ‘good’ can require a ton of work! If you love what your doing then that time will be much easier to put in. 
  • Follow the 18 minute rule each day for success. Use the first 5 minutes in the morning to study your plan for the day, follow it up by taking 60 seconds every hour to review what progress you’ve made and what you still have to do. Finally take another 5 minutes at the end of the day to review the day and see if you accomplished everything you set out to.